Terbiasa menggunakan CanvaMenguasai tools CanvaMempunyai taste desain yang bagusMembuat berbagai macam desain template Canva, seperti: Instagram post, flyer, poster, dllSiap mengikuti tren/style desainDisiplin dan mampu bekerja dengan targetMampu bekerja dalam tim
Minimal berusia 18 tahun.Memiliki pengalaman menjadi graphic designer di sebuah penerbitan lebih diutamakan.Kreatif, menguasai Canva dan berinisiatif.Mampu bekerja dalam tim maupun individu.Mampu bekerja remote.
Content Writer
Write clear, engaging, and SEO-optimized content for various platforms (blogs, social media, websites).Collaborate with designers and marketing teams to create cohesive content strategies.Conduct thorough research on industry-related topics to ensurecontent accuracy and relevance.Edit and proofread content for grammar, tone, and style consistency.Stay updated on content trends and best practices.Excellent writing, editing, and proofreading skills.Strong understanding of SEO and content optimization strategies.Ability to write for different audiences and adapt to various tones.Creative thinking and problem-solving skills.Strong organizational and time-management abilities
Content Designer Canva
Terbiasa menggunakan Canva ProSeorang muslimahBerpengalaman membuat content desain feed-story instagramBerusaha mencapai target dan friendlyableSenang berimajinasi membayangkan ide desainDesain dari hp aja dan kamu di rumah aja bisa koCukup bisa canva aja gapapa hehehe skill lebih sangat boleh
Customer Services
Provide exceptional customer service by addressing customer inquiries and resolving issues through various channels, including phone, email, and live chat.Assist customers in navigating our platform, explaining product features, and troubleshooting technical difficulties.Handle customer complaints and ensure timely resolution.Work closely with internal teams to escalate and resolve complex customer issues.Maintain accurate and detailed records of customer interactions and transactions.Identify opportunities to improve customer satisfaction and provide feedback to internal teams for process enhancements.Prior experience in customer service or similar role is preferred.Excellent written and verbal communication skills in Bahasa Indonesia.Problem-solving and multitasking abilities.Empathy and patience in handling customer inquiries and complaints.Ability to work in a fast-paced and dynamic environment.Knowledge of financial products and services is a plus.Willing to work contract-based (3 months)
Graphic Designer
Koncoku creative adalah graphic agency yang membantu bisnis/agency dalam pembuatan grafis dengan sistem subiscribtion unlimited graphic design. Sistem kerja adalah online, Buat info lebih detail tentang koncoku bisa cek koncoku.comMembuat design sesuai briefMemberikan update & output tiap hari selama jam kerja kantorBisa digital imaging/photo manipulation dan ilustrasi Jago design, kreatif dan ngikutin tren Mengerti copywriting & layouting Berkomitmen, kerja on time/ manajemen waktu baik, tanggung jawab Mandari dan proaktif Bisa under pressure & tight schedule MINIMAL jago Ps & Al (bisa Figma jadi poin plus) Fast reply WA (karena komunikasi online) Tidak terikat fulltime dengan perusahaan lain
Min lulusan SMA/sederajatTinggal di JabodetabekMenerima order customerMerekap orderMengatur pengiriman ke customer
Mentor Bimbel Online
Minimum Lulusan S1 semua JurusanMemiliki kemampuan Mengajar yang BaikBersedia mengajar secara OnlineDisiplin dan KomitmenMemiliki Motivasi Tinggi dan Pekerja Keras